Friday, May 27, 2011


It's interesting how when you make a decision for God, Satan attacks even harder.  I don't think there was any point in my relationship with Malachi that I was more tempted than after we made a decision to set stricter boundaries.  He actually made the call, but I was thrilled because periodically I've felt that need too.  It was pretty easy at first.  We were both being really careful to stay within our new parameters.  After a few days things started getting difficult, at least for me.  The temptations would come whenever we were together, and I couldn't take it.  Last Saturday (the day we broke up) was the worst it had ever been for me.  I kept needing space, and I was almost in tears with how strong and frequent the temptations were.

I thought that ending things would at least help (although that had nothing to do with my reasons for breaking up).  It didn't.  In fact, the temptations have been even worse.  I don't understand!!!  How could being separated POSSIBLY make temptations harder?  We never even did anything wrong!  I don't know what to do.  I can pray about it, but the thoughts still come.  I can try to bounce my thoughts away, but it's so hard to do and eventually they come back.  What should I do?


  1. That's SO frustrating. It WILL pass. You can't get rid of negative thoughts all the time, but did you know that there's a fail-safe method of flooding your mind and body with good things instead? The negative temptations will soon have much less room to roam around. Think of things that are productive, pure, and fun that you can think about and do instead! I can guarantee that if you find good distractions, the temptations will ebb. Or every time you feel tempted, have something active and good to do or say. Like quoting a Scripture passage or going for a run.

  2. Thanks for the suggestions. Scripture especially.
